Monday, November 7, 2011

Change in Attitude

The news of PFFD was devastating.  So many questions with few immediate answers.  And the answers we did receive were not comforting.  The discovery of Elsie's deformed femur unfortunately stole from the joy of her arrival.  It was frustrating knowing immediately that Elsie would face surgeries and physical challenges and we couldn't do anything to make it go away.  After a few days in this mindset, I decided I needed an attitude change.  I came to the realization of a few things:

1) A leg is not life threatening.  She can survive, thrive and have a wonderful life even if worse case scenario she needs a full amputation.
2) We are fortunate eniugh to have health insurance and jobs that will give us the flexibility to do all surgeries and physical rehabilitation/therapt as necessary
3) PFFD can be bilateral and can also be accompanied with a deformed foot and lower leg.  Thankfully Elsie's lower leg and foot appear to be in great shape and her PFFD is only Unilateral.

My attitude truly did change.  I have a beautiful, healthy daughter.  God will take care of her and I'm confident of that. 

Just to be clear, I was never disappointed or devastated by Elsie.  She is a true blessing and perfect addition to our family.  I have felt that way since moment one and still do.  I was just dwelling on the negative a little too much. 

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