As a result, we are in the weaning process now! We're going from 23 hours a day in harness to 12! This will last for 2 weeks and then we'll move to 8 hours a day for 2 weeks. After that it can be removed. I'm so excited to have my squishy baby back! It's amazing how much I cherished holding her sans harness that 1 hour a day. Now I get it 12 :) Luckily, the time she spends in the harness can be all night long, and during the day out. This will make bath, diapers and clothing changes much easier.
The Dr. that performed the ultrasound questioned whether Elsie had a fracture. Dr. Nowicki explained that what she saw was probably abnormal bone, which may look like a gap in the bone on the ultrasound. He said that even if it were a fracture, the treatment is 6 weeks in the harness, which we just completed. The Dr. at Bronson also noted that her femur head, though present, may be small. Although this isn't great news, we are lucky that she for sure has a femur head. Many with PFFD are born without a femoral head.
I'm very happy that Elsie is moving her leg and seemingly no longer experiencing the pain when her leg is in motion. No matter the inconvenience, the harness was well worth it. But I'm not sad to say good-bye!
Elsie stretching her legs! She loves to wiggle freely out of the harness :) |