Monday, March 26, 2012

Multiplier Prediction

There is an application available for my iPad called "Multiplier".  It's icon is below:
During the monthly LLD chat that Dr. Herzenberg and Dr. Standard host, they mentioned this app as a tool that can predict the limb discrepency in adult hood, based on a child's current stats.  So, I figured if they're supportive of it, I would give it a try.

I had to select Femur, Female, input Elsie's DOB and the current discrepency (8cm).  This spit out a calculation of 12.4 inch discrepency at full growth.  Matt and I obviously aren't expert measurers, and we aren't trusting Elsie's future to an iPad app.  However, it's the first prediction we've got.  Unfortunately, it is a steep difference.  Within the next few months Dr. Nowicki and Dr. Standard should be able to give us more percise predictions, as well as what the implications of such predictions are.  It is a neat tool though.


  1. I'm not positive but I think I remember that Dr. Paley's son played a role in the development of that app (when Dr. Paley used to be at ICLL). And like Lauren's, Elsie's expected LLD may change as she grows. The standing x-rays are considered to be more precise too when they are old enough for that. One thing we found out as we started Lauren's treatment is that the plan changes, and changes. It's such a wait and see type plan, but the nice thing is that Dr. Standard will give you a plan that's right for Elsie while leaving some of the options and timing up to you and what's right for your family. I wish you the best for your visit to MD. Let me know if I can help at all since we've made the trip a few times. ) Your girls are beautiful! Take care. Heather (from Portage)

  2. Does someone knows how can I contact elsie's mum?

    1. My email is :). Thanks - Jackie

  3. You mean right?
    Sent you an email:-)
