Monday, May 7, 2012

Trip to Baltimore!!!!

Here it is Monday night and we leave Wednesday morning for Baltimore!  I CANNOT believe it!  We are so close to the appointment.  What am I feeling?
Overwhelmed – so much to do, in so little time! 
Nervous – Baby and 10+ hour car ride (and that’s if we didn’t stop or hit any construction).  Oh yea, I get car sick too.  Plus I know I’ll be a ball of nerves leaving my oldest behind… which brings us to the next emotion.
Sad – I do not, I repeat DO NOT want to leave my 2 year old Mimi.  I don’t think she’ll understand us leaving her but taking Elsie.  Plus, I’ll just plain miss her. 
But, most of all I am EXCITED! – I am excited to meet Dr. S, Dr. H, Lee a nurse and the rest of the RIAO team.  I know we’ll soon spend lots of time here, so I’m looking forward to essentially acquainting myself to a large part of our future.  Wednesday is the first step into a major life event, so how could this not be exciting. I’m very optimistic – I know God will take care of Elsie and I truly believe that RIAO is where we’re supposed to go! 
Expectant – Let it be known, I have high expectations of this trip.  Up through now, we have very little answers on plans for the future, just a list of possibilities.  However, I am confident that with Dr. H and Dr. S’s experience, they will be able to give us a fairly accurate picture of what Elsie will be facing in the next 14-16 years. 
Finally, I’ve never been to Maryland, so it’ll be fun to visit a new place even if expedited!  

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